Hybrid Cubism, 60 x 40 x 2, collage/assemblage/drawing, 2024, paying hommage to Picasso and Braque from 1912-14

Hybrid Picasso Cubism, 14 x 11, collage/drawing, 2024 (Paying hommage to Picasso and Braque from 1912-14…again)
Leftover Collage Series, 17” x 12”, collage, 2023 (this group of collages utilized the previousy rejected leftover collage fragments at hand … some 30 years old)
Hybrid Scrap Guitars, collage, 20” x 15”, 2023
“Blueprint Drawings”, 14” x 20”, 2022
Recumulations Series, 28 x 22, mixed-media, 2010

Trance Figurations, 60 x 40, mixed-media, collage, 2008
Miscellaneous Collage, 2004-1997, 24 x 18 -- 16 x 12
Object Series, 11 x 8.5, photo collage, 2004

Creatures (for animation ... with tiny tape hinges), 18 x 24, hand-colored collage, 1974
Drawings, 18x24, pencil, 2004-05

Set-up diagrams, etc, 11 x 8, pencil, dates varied, 1981-2005